Although we have had periods where the water has dried up and mud prevails, this week has not been one of them. Two weeks ago, I made it down to the stream and was hopeful that the watermeadow was starting to dry out. The banks have eroded a bit over the winter. I would like to get to the pond and see if there is any frogspawn – and other pondlife. The new reed canary grass is sprouting, as in the rest of the valley. There are muddy, mulchy swathes of dead grass in the middle as you can see. The most prolific flowers are currently speedwells and lesser celandines, with a bit of wild garlic by the steps and the odd dandelion and primrose. Docks, bedstraws, and cleavers are sprouting and sprawling through the watermeadow. Bugs, bees, and butterflies are waking up – and yesterday half a dozen goldfinches visited, so maybe the other finches will return soon.