We have been mistakenly calling this Bell Vine, but I now discover that that is something else entirely and this plant is Bindweed. It’s a real pain as it twines round the Reed Canary Grass and pulls it down. It has broken one of our Alders. And although I try to pull it up in the late spring when it emerges, I can’t keep on top of it and have to resort to damage limitation. Also, it’s probably not right to eradicate it entirely from the watermeadow. There are several types of Bindweed. This is Hedge Bindweed as it has large white trumpet-flowers, a red-ish stem, but no hint of pink on the flowers. It’s not one of my favourite plants, but I have to admire its tenacity and striking white bells.
Update – we spotted some Meadow Bindweed in Wadebridge by the River Camel. It was creeping along in the grass. Very different to the Hedge Bindweed.