Also known as Meadsweet or Mead Wort, I have seen the frothy white flowers in previous summers, but not last summer when I started the blog. I assumed it had died, and so when I spotted the distinctive leaves, I was very pleased. They are no longer where they used to be – in Diagon Alley, but right on the boundary with next door in a flourishing clump. Meadowsweet is often found growing in clumps. It prefers a damp habitat – damp meadows,

fields, and gardens. Its flowers are creamy-white frothy sprays with a sweet and medicinal scent. They come out from early summer. However, before that, meadowsweet can be identified by its red stem with small leaflets in between the regular leaves. The leaves have jagged edges and those at the end of the stem are 3-5 lobed with smaller leaflets growing behind them.