After the rain yesterday evening, the middle of the watermeadow was flooded. Three paths were under water – Little Venice right in the middle, part of Diagon Alley and our left-hand path, which we are now calling Weasel Walk, due to Mr C spotting a weasel down there. Unfortunately, it sped off too quickly for him to take a photo, so it will be one of those ones that got away!

Apart from the weasel, the other exciting thing that we have seen was a black redstart. On Monday, we spotted a small black bird on our balcony railings. I’d never seen anything like it before and rushed to take photos. The spotters guide clearly showed that it was a black redstart, with its white wing markings and flash of red under its tail, especially noticeable as it flew off. I’ve posted it because I was so pleased that we saw it, but as it was up near the house, I can’t count it on the tally. I will look out for it in the valley, but it may have been just passing.