There are some small pretty 5-7 lobed leaves with pinked edges growing in Vole County. It is interesting that when I identified the thyme-leaved speedwell a few weeks ago, I noticed the cinquefoil leaves in the photo (below) which was taken back in August. It was too long ago to post them, but then I spotted that they are now growing again and I was able to take the top up-to-date photo. It has rich purple stems and the yellow buttercup-like flowers bloom June-September.
The creeping cinquefoil likes waste ground, verges, hedgerows, and sand dunes. It grows low – less than 20cm high and spreads by growing runners which arch across the ground and root at nodes when they touch down again.

It is seen by some as a weed but is good for ground cover and is a pollinator, providing food and habitat for insects and small creatures, notably bees which like its nectar and pollen, and caterpillars which like its leaves.
Picture left is Thyme-leaved Speedwell from August 2023 – Creeping Cinquefoil is in the top right of the picture.